I don’t have a private PyPI, what now?

The situation is as follows: the company you work for is small, and you want to publish a Python package internally. However, you don’t want to pay for a service to do this or add a new tool. Although this may seem like a specific situation, we can say that it can happen quite frequently. In Brazil, literally 99% of companies are small businesses. According to Forbes, the statistic is exactly the same in the USA (the first country that appeared in the search :)).

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[python drops] Pathlib

The module pathlib is around since Python 3.4 but I must confess that I’ve started to use it a short time ago. For those who are listening this name for the first time, pathlib is an Object-oriented filesystem paths module; in other words, a module with few classes to help you to manipulate paths in a pratical way. Each class has a proper use and if you wanna dive into it, I suggest to take a look in the docs.

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[python drops] f-strings

In this Python Drops episode we’re going to talk about f-strings, also known as Literal String Interpolation. This feature was added on Python 3.6 and the goal is making the String interpolation more readable. Interpolation is a fancy name to mount/create/construct a String from data you want to: a variable, a method return and so on. Before it, the common way to interpolate Strings looked like this: Format Strings (example from the oficial documentation)

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In Tests We Trust

A gentle introduction about Test-Driven Development with Python! This post is based on a talk that I did during Python Nordeste 2017. I hope you enjoy! Please don’t forget to give me some feedback. So, you wanna do some tests, right? Some time ago, when I was beginning my career as a programmer, I heard other programmers talking about two things: refactoring and unit tests. To be honest, they just talk about refactoring to explain why this practice should be avoided (and how scared they were to do it) and about unit tests to say they are too expensive to begin with, that they spend a lot of time, etc.

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